Friday, January 16, 2009

The truth will set you free!

1.) I cannot WAIT to get married, I love to daydream about it i already have my dress picked out... I hope it'll still be there when my time comes!

2.) Sometimes I think I'm majoring in the wrong field... I really love to write.

3.) I hate hate HATE messes but I can't keep my room clean.

4.) I love my stuffed animals and I don't know what I'm going to do with them when I move. maybe justin'll let me keep them on the bed =]

5.) I haven't read a good book in a long time and I wish I had the time I used to have to read.

6.) I feel like there's so much happening outside of my home that I'm missing I really wish they'd let me go so I could experience it

7.) My family is so important to me and I love them to death for some reason I think they don't trust me or they think I'm going to make a mistake... but i've never done anything in the past to make them think that way

8.) Sometimes I get really lonely

9.) If I move in with Justin before March I'm not going to be able to go to Megacon and my brother is going to be really sad. that kills me

10.) Shalee's ( wedding was the most excitment I've ever had and I'm so thankful I was able to be apart of it.


Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Awe chicky! That makes me so happy! I am so glad you were apart of it too! I love you to death and you know that. And Travis and I will be there for you on your wedding day. We promise. :D

The Blonde Duck said...

I still have my stuffed animals on the bed and I've been married for three years! I even sleep with a giant stuffed bee (long story!) Then I have more animals in my office. :)

What kind of writing do you like to do? You can tie writing into almost any proffesion.

Katie Did said...

I do a lot of creative writing. I have a big imagination =]