Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Close encounter of the armadillo kind

Wow. Sorry I've been absent for so long! Let me say that 3 papers due in one week is NOT fun!

Anyways, let me get to the story behind the title of this mornings blog... two nights ago I got home from work at about 11. I'm sitting on my bed, minding my own business when I begin to hear a noise. At first it sounded like someone was crinkling a plastic bag, so I took no notice of it thinking it was one of my dogs because where my mom keeps her purse on the floor she has a plastic bag with whatever bills she has to pay. I just thought it was Bonnie being the puppy she is nosing the bag. But then it got louder and I leaned back on my bed and realized it was coming from outside. So I did the second worst possible thing anybody could do in a horror movie... I looked out the window half expecting a scary guy in a jason mask to be standing outside. But no, there wasn't anything there. Then I did the worst possible thing... I went to check it out. I grabbed my flashlight and headed for the front door. When I opened the door it must have been really close to the door because it ran and made a lot of noise running over the leaves it scared me to death. Shining my light in the direction of the noise what do I find? An armadillo! He turned and looked at me, got up on his back feet and started making what sounded like sniffing sounds like he was sniffing the air.... to sense.... danger? Yeah, we'll go with that. But then he started waddling towards me... and I jump back waving my light shrieking "No no no, you don't have to come over here!" Haha, yes it was very commical. He waddled on back to where he was and stuck his head in the bushes... I took a picture of him when he was looking at me!

I'm sad to say he's not here tonight. Although he made a lot of noise outside my window it was nifty seeing him.

On a different note.... I was leaving work tonight and took notice of this nifty tree... check it out!

No leaves, just a few pink flowers. um please ignore the handicapped sign ^_^;

1 comment:

The Blonde Duck said...

I always thought aramdillos were cute. But they're not in my yard. :)